Rose rainbow collection” is a flower bouquet consisting exclusive flowers that range from white roses to pink and red roses. With 40 assorted roses in a stylish green glass vase, this one from our flower collection stands out among all others. This exquisite bunch of flowers in a glass vase is not only hand-picked and fresh but also highly mesmerizing. So, why are you waiting? Purchase this product today and get your hands on our free hand delivery services right now and enjoy this gift like never before. Order your flower bouquet now and make your loved ones feel special like never before.
Product Details
- Flower Type: Rose
- Color of Flower: Mixed,Red
- No of flower type: 40
- Fillers: White Color Gypsophila Gypsy Fillers
- Packaging: Transparent Glass Vase
- Bow: One Flower Glass Jar- 6 Inches