Be it a birthday, Mother's Day, anniversary, New Year, or even a simple thank you note, nothing says it as honestly and as beautifully as a vase of magnificent lilies. Our bouquet features 6 stems each of fully bloomed red, white, and pink Asiatic lilies. There are a total of 12 lilies each of red, white, and pink color, bringing the whole bouquet to a total of 36 of the most vibrant lilies arranged tastefully in a shiny glass vase. So be it any occasion, don't fail to make a mark on your loved ones' hearts with our stellar Lilies Fusion bouquet!
Product Details
- Flower Type: lily
- Color of Flower: Red,Pink,White
- No of flower type: 12
- Fillers: White Color Gypsophila Gypsy Fillers
- Packaging: Transparent Glass Vase
- Bow: One Flower Glass Jar- 6 Inches