Benefits of Money Plants

13 Amazing Benefits of Money Plants (Care Guide Included)

The money plant, scientifically known as Epipremnum aureum, is a popular houseplant widely grown for its decorative value and air-purifying properties. Native to tropical regions of Southeast Asia and Australia, this plant is also known by many other names such as Devil’s Ivy, Pothos, and Silver Vine. Apart from being a great indoor plant, the money plant is also believed to have several health benefits, both physical and psychological.

According to a research article published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology, it has been found that observing a money plant for a duration of 5 minutes can potentially promote psychological and physiological relaxation among older individuals.

In this article, we will explore some of the most significant money plant benefits that make it a must-have for every home.

13 Benefits of having money plant in your home

  1. Air purification

    Money plants are great natural air purifiers, as they help remove harmful toxins and pollutants from the air, improving air quality and promoting a healthier living environment.
  2. Reduced stress

    Money plants have been known to reduce stress levels and anxiety due to their calming effects. They are believed to promote relaxation and a sense of well-being.
  3. Improved sleep

    Keeping a money plant in your bedroom can improve the quality of your sleep. The plant’s ability to purify the air can promote a more restful and peaceful sleep.
  4. Wealth and prosperity

    According to Feng Shui, the money plant brings good luck, wealth, and prosperity to the home. It is believed that the plant’s positive energy can attract wealth and financial abundance.
  5. Easy to grow

    Money plants are easy to grow and maintain. They require minimal care and can thrive in a variety of indoor and outdoor environments.
  6. Aesthetic appeal

    Money plants are aesthetically pleasing and can enhance the decor of any room in your home. They are available in a variety of shapes and sizes, and their unique foliage adds a touch of greenery and elegance.
  7. Increased productivity

    Studies have shown that indoor plants like money plants can improve productivity and concentration levels. The plant’s calming effects can help reduce distractions and promote focus.
  8. Reduced allergies

    Money plants can help reduce allergies by removing harmful toxins and pollutants from the air, which can cause allergic reactions and respiratory problems.
  9. Positive energy

    Money plants are believed to radiate positive energy and improve the overall atmosphere of your home. The plant’s energy can promote feelings of positivity, happiness, and joy.
  10. Improved Memory

    Studies have shown that the presence of plants like money plants in the workplace or home can improve memory and cognitive function.
  11. Gifting

    Money plants make great gifts for housewarmings, weddings, or any occasion. They are thoughtful and long-lasting gifts that will bring joy and positivity to any home.
  12. Symbolic meaning

    Money plants are considered a symbol of love, abundance, and luck. They make a great addition to any home and can help create a positive and harmonious living environment.
  13. Natural remedy

    Money plants have been used in traditional medicine for centuries to treat a variety of ailments. They are believed to have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties and can be used to treat skin conditions, respiratory problems, and digestive issues.

Tips for taking care of Money Plant

tips to take care of money plant
  • Watering: Money plants prefer moderate watering. Water the plant when the topsoil feels dry to the touch. Overwatering can lead to rotting of the root, so it’s best to let the soil dry out a bit between watering sessions.
  • Sunlight: Money plants can tolerate low to bright light conditions. However, direct sunlight can cause the leaves to scorch. So, it’s best to place the plant in a spot where it can receive bright, indirect sunlight.
  • Soil: Money plants prefer well-draining soil. You can use a mixture of peat moss, perlite, and sand to make the soil suitable for the plant.
  • Fertilizer: Money plants don’t require much fertilizer. You can use a balanced fertilizer once a month during the growth season to help the plant grow healthy.
  • Pruning: Prune the plant regularly to keep it in good shape. Cut off the yellow leaves, dead stems, and other damaged parts to prevent the spread of disease.
  • Support: Money plants are climbers requiring help to grow upright. You can use a moss stick or a trellis to support the plant.

Learned something new about Money plants? Want to know more? Check out this article about Money’s plant’s fun facts.

How to order money plant on Flaberry

  • Go to the Flaberry website ( and search for “money plant” in the search bar.
  • You will be directed to a page displaying different money plant options. Browse through the options and select the one that suits your requirements.
  • Once you have selected the money plant, choose the size of the plant, the pot, and the quantity you want to order.
  • Click on the “Buy Now” button and fill in the delivery details such as the delivery address, date, and time.
  • Proceed to the payment page and choose a payment option that suits you. You can pay using a credit/debit card, net banking, or any of the available payment wallets.
  • Once the payment is confirmed, your order will be processed, and you will receive a confirmation email and SMS.
  • Your money plant will be delivered to your doorstep on the scheduled date and time.

The money plant is an incredibly versatile and beneficial addition to any indoor space. Its countless benefits make it a captivating choice for plant enthusiasts and those seeking a touch of nature within their surroundings.

So, why hesitate? Embrace the enchantment of the money plant and allow it to weave its magic into your daily life. Order money plants here.


What is a money plant good for?

A money plant is believed to bring good luck, wealth, prosperity, and happiness. Apart from that, it also helps in improving air quality, reducing stress and anxiety. It is also known for its ornamental value and is often used for decorating homes and offices.

Is the money plant really lucky? 

In some cultures and traditions, the money plant is believed to bring good luck. However, there is no scientific evidence to support these beliefs. Whether or not it is lucky is a matter of personal belief and cultural tradition.

Can the money plant be kept in the bedroom?

Yes, money plants can be kept in the bedroom for their benefits, including improved air quality and promoting better sleep. However, it’s important to keep the plant away from the bed to avoid allergies.

Does the money plant bring money?

The money plant is believed by some to bring good luck and financial prosperity, but there is no scientific evidence supporting this claim. While it can help to create a positive and peaceful atmosphere in your home, which can contribute to a happier and more productive life.


