Fascinating Facts about the money plant

14 Fascinating Facts About the Money Plant

Money Plant, also known as Devil’s Ivy, is a popular houseplant native to the tropical regions of Southeast Asia and is now commonly found across the world. It is a climbing vine that can grow up to 20 meters in length and is known for its striking heart-shaped leaves. 

Let us explore some interesting facts about Money Plants and its benefits as a houseplant.

14 Interesting Facts about Money Plant

money plants facts infographic

1. Scientific name

The scientific name for the money plant is Epipremnum aureum. It belongs to the Araceae family.

2. Native to Southeast Asia

Money plants are native to Southeast Asia and are commonly found in countries like India, Bangladesh, and Indonesia.

3. Easy to care for

Money plants are extremely easy to care for and can survive in almost any type of soil. They can also grow well in both direct and indirect sunlight.

4. Good for air purification

Money plants are known for their air-purifying properties. They can absorb harmful toxins like formaldehyde and benzene from the air, making it a great addition to your home or office. The Healthy Houseplant suggests that although there is an ongoing debate among experts, certain plants such as money trees may potentially enhance the air quality by removing harmful allergens and toxins that can lead to sickness. (Source)

5. Symbol of good luck

In many cultures, money plants are believed to bring good luck and prosperity to the household. It is often used in feng shui practices to attract wealth and abundance.

6. Can grow in water

Money plants can grow in water as well as soil. This makes them a popular choice for indoor water gardens.

7. Can be trained to climb

Money plants can be trained to climb walls, trellises, and other structures. With a little bit of support, they can grow up to several feet long.

8. Used in traditional medicine

In traditional medicine, money plants are believed to have medicinal properties and are used to treat a variety of ailments like headaches, fever, and respiratory problems.

9. Can be propagated easily

Money plants are very easy to propagate. Simply cut a stem with a few leaves and place it in water or soil, and it will start to grow roots in a few weeks.

10. Edible fruit

Money plants produce small, edible fruit that is similar in taste and texture to a fig. The fruit is popular in some cultures and is often used in desserts and sweets.

11. Plant growth

Each branch of a money plant has 5 leaves which grow up to 12 inches long.

12. Seeding plant

A money plant is a self-seeding plant that normally grows in the form of a biennial.

13. Growth height

In the wild, the money plant can grow up to 50-60 feet tall, but when grown indoors, it usually grows up to 10-15 feet only.

14. Money Plant Leaves Symbolization:

The 5 leaves in each branch denote 5 elements of nature-namely fire, air, water, metal, and wood. Since these elements together attract positive energy, the money plant is believed to be a good luck and prosperity charm.

You can read more about the hidden benefits of money plants to understand the benefits of having money plants in homes or offices

The money plant, with its myriad benefits, is a remarkable addition to any living space. Its appeal extends beyond its aesthetics, as this plant demands minimal care, making it a delightful choice for both seasoned horticulturists and novice enthusiasts alike.

So why wait any longer? Embrace the allure of the money plant and invite its splendor into your abode.

If you are also looking to add colors to your living spaces or office through natural flowers. We have written an article on flowering plants that you can use to decorate your space.

Need money plant? Get it delivered to you with Flaberry

Get a money plant delivered to you with Flaberry.

  • Visit the Flaberry website.
  • Browse through the different categories of plants available and select the money plant.
  • Add the money plant to your cart and proceed to checkout.
  • Enter the delivery address where you want the money plant to be delivered.
  • Make the payment for the money plant using any of the available payment options.
  • Once the payment is successful, you will receive an order confirmation email and SMS.
  • After receiving the money plant, take good care of it and watch it grow and bring positive energy into your home or workspace.

We offer fast and reliable delivery services for all our products, including money plants. You can rest assured that your money plant will be delivered to you in good condition and on time.


